Archive for the ‘Tools’ category

Combo square.

June 8th, 2009

In 1877 some guy named Laroy Starrett invented the combination square. Where would we be  without them ? Probably right where we are now but  making things would be a lot harder. Where would this L.S. Starrett Co No 94 combination square be without me? Probably rusting away in the bottom of  some plastic container. […]

I never heard of International Forge Company but this little ratchet looks very similar to an older model Craftsman. I thought that’s what it was when I saw it at the bottom of a yard sale milk crate full of junk . It had obviously spent some time outdoors or in a flooded basement. Some […]

Number 11

January 29th, 2009

Sometime around WW1 Brown & Sharpe introduced the No. 11 micrometer. At that time it wasn’t called the No. 11. It was called the “Rex”. The only Rex in my collection is so horrid looking that I have to include some catalog pages. Besides, there are 3 different frame variations. Below is a catalog page […]

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